Many, LA  71449

August 26, 2021


1.     Meeting Opening:


The Parish School Board of Many, Louisiana, Sabine Parish, met in a special called public session on August 26, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. at the Many High School Gym, 100 Tiger Drive, Many, Louisiana, with the following members present:  Terrell Snelling, Board President, Daron Chandler, Genevieve Gordon, Spencer Faust, Donald Garcie, Kowonno Greene, Donald Remedies and Dale Skinner.


Absent:  Dr. Leah Byles


The meeting was called to order by President Terrell Snelling.  After observing a moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance was rendered.


2.     Recognition of Visitors:


No visitors were recognized at this time.


3.     Special Called Meeting Agenda Items:


A.    Presentation to the Board by Bob Hammonds, Attorney at Law.  At this time, Dr. Ebarb presented current COVID quarantine and positive information regarding school district.  Dr. Ebarb introduced and turned the floor over to Mr. Hammonds for his presentation.


Mr. Hammonds presented a Power Point presentation to the Board and audience covering current law regarding the mask madate and explained the public health emergency and authority the Governor has to act upon a public health emergency.  Mr. Hammonds briefly touches on the failed veto override session of the Louisiana Legislature and explained immunity as granted to the Board and School Systems per current state law.  Mr. Hammonds gave current update of August 11, 2021 CDC Guidelines for quarantine and then closed with a quote from the 1905 US Supreme Court Jacobson decision.  Mr. Hammonds recommended the Board continue to comply with the Governor’s proclamation until there is a change in the law.


B.    Discuss and Consider the Ready to Achieve Health and Safety Operational Plan.  Mr. Shane Wright, briefly recaped the Ready to Achieve Health and Safety Operational Plan.  He opened the floor to questions about the plan.  There were no questions. 


Mr. Snelling called Kresha Matkin to the public podium to speak on behalf of the local group “Unmask Our Kids Sabine Parish”.  Ms. Matkin addressed the adequacy of face masks, the potential hazards from wearing masks, as well as a final plea to the Board for local exemptions for school children from the mask mandate.


Mr. Snelling called on Mr. Walter Chance who addressed the Board regarding local exemption of the mask mandate.


Mr. Snelling called Chelsea Sandifer who declined to speak.


Mr. Snelling called Brandy Taylor who addressed the board regarding athletics and COVID exposure and exemption from mask mandate.


Mr. Snelling called Rep. Rodney Schamerhorn who addressed the Board regarding non-passage of recent bill referred to by Mr. Hammonds.


There was a brief discussion among the members and audience regarding acquisition of medical exemptions to masks and the effectiveness of masks.


On motion of Donald Garcie and seconded by Genevieve Gordon, with one Nay vote by Dale Skinner, it was carried to adopt the Ready to Achieve Health and Safety Operational Plan as presented.


4.     Adjournment


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.



Terrell Snelling, President





Sara P. Ebarb, EdD, Superintendent